Weight Loss

Richard Kowal DC, CDN
Chiropractor and Nutritionist on the Upper West Side, NY and Westport, CT
Weight loss is the single most powerful strategy for improving your health and wellbeing. Being at your right weight lowers your blood pressure, your blood sugar, and systemic inflammation. It also slows down age-related cognitive impairment.
Dr. Richard Kowal, a licensed chiropractor and nutritionist, has been helping people lose weight quickly and safely for more than 25 years at his New York City practice, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. To get started, contact the office by phone or online today.
Weight Loss Q & A
Are you taking, or considering using, one of the ‘new weight loss drugs?
Learn how to avoid the two most common pitfalls....
1. Avoid loss of muscle mass as you lose weight....
2. Learn how to avoid your weight coming back after you stop taking them…
Dr. Kowal is a licensed nutritionist with a special interest in helping those who are using new weight-loss drugs. He has been helping people meet their weight loss goals for more than 25 years. Whether you need to lose 200 or more pounds or are struggling to drop the last 15 pounds, Dr. Kowal can help you to do it safely.
You don’t even need to be in New York to work with Dr. Kowal on weight-loss. In most cases, he works with you by phone or Zoom to help you reach your goals.
How does this program work?
Dr. Kowal begins by having you do a DEXA scan to look at your current body composition before you begin your weight loss program. By knowing your baseline body composition metrics, we can make sure that your weight loss is focused on fat loss since it’s important to minimize the loss of lean muscle tissue during your program.
What happens after I lose weight?
He works closely with you during the maintenance phase to help you incorporate your new eating habits so you can keep the weight off.
There’s no need to try to lose weight on your own. To begin the program and get the support you need to lose weight and keep it off, call the office or Dr. Richard Kowal or request an appointment online today.
Utilizing Whey Protein Shakes
If you are already supplementing your dietary protein, here is the protein shake that Dr. Kowal recommends:
Metagenics Perfect Protein Whey
You can find it here: http://thewheyback.com
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